Thursday, November 26, 2015

NGHA Coach Development Session #2 - Defence Matters

Hello NGHA Coaches,

Our Coach Development Team is very excited to be offering you our second Coach Development Clinic of the season, hosted by Pier Martin who coaches our BCAA team.

This clinic will be held on December 7th, from 8:15 - 10:30 in the evening @ Nepean Sportsplex rink #3.

We will be starting the evening with a "Hot Stove" discussion session in the dressing room, followed by a 90 minute on ice session. An outline of the specialized Defense clinic is listed below. Also, Pier is completing his High Performance Coaching Stream, so not only is this an opportunity for great learning and sharing of coaching knowledge, but your attendance and participation also helps support one of our high level NGHA coaches.

We look forward to seeing you all, and hope that you will make arrangements for assistant coaches to run practice, or the bench if you have conflicts. This is a great opportunity for them to get an opportunity to "run the show"!

To sign up, please send an email to

  • Sessions will be limited to the first 40 coaches that sign up  
  • Send your full name, team level, and age group (Novice/Atom/Peewee/Bantam/ Midget)
  • Bring your gear for the on ice session (helmet, gloves, skates, and stick)
  • We will have a draw for "coaching" door prizes at the end of the evening so please remember to sign in when you arrive!

Also, click on the link below and then  bookmark our NGHA Coach Development Database for coaching resources, tips, articles, shared knowledge, and upcoming events and clinic dates!

NGHA Coach Development Database

Also follow us on Twitter @NGHAcoachdev
Clinic Title:
"Playing Defense isn't just about backing up"

This sessions will explore the art of teaching defensemen in today's game. We will explore traditional drills that can be catered to defensemen and discuss tips and tricks to continually develop your D's without them knowing. Additionally, we will discuss and cover through drills, some concepts that will help your defensemen be more than an object on the path to the net. An engaged and active defense will lead to increasing scoring opportunities for your team!

Hot Stove Topic:
Goalies are key to the success of your team but we don't include them in the conversation. How can we better involve our goalies in practices outside of just "stopping the puck"?

 presentation will also focus on these 4 key topics
  1. Gap Control
    • What is Gap Control?
    • What is "bad" control vs "good" gap control
    • Show some videos of both examples and success
  2. Stick Positioning
    • Why is the stick important?
    • What is good stick vs bad stick?
    • Show some videos of both examples
  3. Pinning
    • Why do we want them to pin?
    • How do we teach pinning? What are the concepts?
    • What's the difference between Pinning and Body Contact?
  4. Pivoting and Protecting Middle
    • Discuss pivoting to the middle
    • Removing cross-overs from the game
    • Open hip pivots vs crossover pivots
    • Using stick to help pivot and at what stage

Monday, November 16, 2015

Great New Hockey Resource For Your Players

BCBB Coach Jay Greco has created a great resource for you to use with your players. 
He has put together comprehensive guidebook that you can use as a resource or distribute to your team!

Click on the link below to get to the PDF for this resource.

The NGHA Player's Handbook link can also be found in the Hockey Docs section!

NGHA Player's Handbook

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Silky Mitts Session - Stationary/Underspeed Puckhandling #1

Excellent, comprehensive video that explains how to teach the puckhandling techniques we worked on at the beginning of our Silky Mitts Session.

Silky Mitts Seesion - Underspeed Training #2

Then you can try these...

Silky Mitts Session- Stationary/Underspeed Puckhandling #3

When you really want a challenge try these!

Landmine Puckhandling

Silky Mitts Session - Half-Wall Net Drive Puckhandle Station

Silky Mitts Session - Defence Skills Station

Silky Mitts - Defence Skating Escapes Station

Silky Mitts Session - Mike's Simple Stations

Simple equipment and a simple pylon course can be transformed into great development tools for puckhandling...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Big Thanks!

Big thanks to the more than 30 coaches that attended last night's clinic. Awesome community of coaches!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stick on Puck

I see lots of young D spending the entire game with two hands on their stick. This becomes extremely limiting when defending ice and even arriving at a puck battles. The link below will take you to a great article showing the importance for young D to defend with one hand on their stick, extending their reach, increasing mobility, and improving overall defensive positioning.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Is it our responsibility as coaches to try and build the winningest team possible OR Should our main focus be developing the individual skills of our players? Can it be both. If so where is the balance found?

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Hello NGHA Coaches,

Our Coach Development Team is very excited to be offering the first session in this year's series of Coach Development Clinics on 

November 9th, from 8:15 - 10:30 in the evening @ Nepean Sportsplex Rink #3.

Consistent with the last couple of years, we will be starting the evening with a "Hot Stove" discussion session in the dressing room, followed by a 90 minute on ice session where we will be focusing on puck handling.  Drills will be designed to help your players develop the individual skills needed to improve as puck handlers in all areas of the ice, and will be applicable to all ages and levels from House to high level competitive players.

To sign up, please send an email to

  • Sessions will be limited to the first 40 coaches that sign up  
  • Send your full name, team level (House/competitive), and age group (Novice/Atom/Peewee/Bantam/ Midget)
  • Bring your gear for the on ice session (helmet, gloves, skates, and stick)
  • We will have a draw for "coaching" door prizes at the end of the evening so please remember to sign in when you arrive!

For coaches that attended October's DEV 1 Clinic, we will have manuals on site for you to pick up. If you cannot attend please try to make arrangements for someone to pick up your manual and cert# for you.

Also follow us on Twitter @NGHAcoachdev

We look forward to seeing you at the rinks,
NGHA Coach Development Team